
Blog 1: An Invitation to Begin

Hello, my name is Joyce Lynn, and I am passionate about YHWH’s feasts! They form a circular path orbiting year after year that tells God’s love story for humanity. Far from being a “Thank you, God, for the great harvest” celebration, His festivals tell us who He is and who we are. If you are interested in expanding your understanding and discovery of these…

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Blog 2: Page One

Where do God’s Festivals first show up in the Bible? Surprisingly, on page one of Genesis, at the center of the seven days of creation. Day Four becomes the epicenter of God’s light of Day One, and what is placed at the midpoint signifies the heart and points to the conclusion, the Sabbath. Day One ———-> Day Four ———-> Day Seven Days one and four and…

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Blog 3: Festivals of Light

In the last blog, we saw that Day Four’s greater and lesser lights served to mark the appointed time of Feasts, stressing the light’s association with YHWH’s Festivals. The Hebrew for the two luminaries was me-o-rot (p) מְאֹרֹת, a word closely connected to the Tabernacle’s menorah. The purpose of the two luminaries was to give light to the earth. The Hebrew word for light, `owr,…

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Blog 4: Time Marked by Sevens

Genesis 1 provided us with light and dark time markers to mark days, weeks, months, and years. Within the time of light, YHWH placed Passoverand seven “holy convocations” or sacred appointed times to meet with Him (Leviticus 23). The seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a weekly “holy convocation.” The idea of seven is complete…

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Blog 5: The Door

After six days of creation, the first three days of making sky, earth, and sea spaces and the latter three days of filling those spaces (Genesis 1), God, having ended His work of creating and making, rested on the seventh day, blessed it, and made holy a fourth space (Gen. 2:1-3). The seventh day had no “evening and morning” to give it a concluding persona…

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Blog 6: The Shepherd King

God’s Spirit hovered over the dark lifeless planet earth (Gen. 1:2). In three days, God separated the light from the dark, waters above from waters below, and dry ground from the sea (Gen. 1:3-13). And then He filled them in the next three days with lights to rule the day and night, with birds and fish, and with living creatures and humans (Gen. 1:14-30). God…

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Blog 7: The Sabbath Lights

From the light of day one, Elohim set lights in the heavens to give us the weekly seven-day cycle on day four of creation, pointingto the light of God’s Presence on the seventh day (1-4-7 sequence). Later we will see how the seventh-day Sabbath stabilizes the CalculatedHebrew Calendar (CHC), determining when YHWH’s annual worship days…

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Blog 8: Passover and Seven Annual Sabbaths Overview

After YHWH declared the Sabbath as the foundational appointed time to meet, a weekly 24-hour period of holiness inhabited by His Presence, He proclaimed His annual feasts, Passover, plus seven holy assemblies (Leviticus 23). Before we examine the details of each feast, here is an overview. Passover is a domestic ceremony at the twilight of Abib 14…

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Blog 9: Literary Design in Number

Just as wordsmiths used keywords to weave the biblical text together, the Bible bursts with repeating number wavelengths. Not to be ignored, the numeric language is intended to convey a deeper understanding. A word or number can communicate a whole idea or story. We can easily see Hebrew word plays by repetition of letter sequence…

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