
Blog 21: Passover, the Foundation

The first Festival of Leviticus 23 is YHWH’s Passover, which is different from the rest in several aspects. The Passover is a holy domestic event, not a public assembly, and only those of circumcised households could eat the meal (Exo. 12). For their protection, YHWH commanded the Israelites not to go out of the door of their houses until morning, yet He told them to…

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Blog 22: The History of Passover

Passover’s history began in the Garden of Eden after the first humans took and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When their eyes opened to see their nakedness, they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves, but God clothed them with garments of skin. An animal had to die to hide the nakedness of their shame. Separated from God…

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Blog 23: Passover, a Domestic Event

Why is Passover not listed as a public holy assembly, while YHWH marks seven following feasts as 24-hour holy convocations with no manner of work done on them? In the last blog, I showed that the history of the Passover sacrifice began in Eden when God clothed Adam and Eve. Sacrifice paved the way for Israel to approach the holy garden Tabernacle in observance…

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Blog 24: The Statutes and Ordinances of the Passover

YHWH commanded Israel to observe Passover (shamar: preserve, guard, protect, attend to) according to all the rites and ceremonies as an ordinance for you and your children forever (Exo. 12:24, Num. 9:3, 12, 14). Scripture cautions us to keep it at its appointed time according to all its ordinances and statutes. I found ten Passover commands that are…

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Blog 25: Hezekiah’s and Josiah’s Passovers

People have asked me why the Jews during the time of Christ and today observe Passover on Abib 15. Biblically, it traces to Hezekiah’s and Josiah’s Passovers within the backdrop of Israel’s repeated apostasies. Let’s look at what happened. Hezekiah reigned after his father, Ahab, one of Judah’s most wicked kings. The temple was in ruins, its services forgotten…

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Blog 26: The First Sign of John’s Gospel

John’s Gospel is a litany of eight signs, selected to manifest Jesus’s glory as Israel’s YHWH so that we may believe He was the Messiah, the Son of God, and that believing we may have life in His name. The mysterious semeions1 follow the themes of YHWH’s eight festivals and are tokens that prove Yeshua is the Messiah. Israel’s God of the Exodus was YHWH-jireh…

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Blog 27: The Passover Meal

Exodus 12’s Passover meal is simple. YHWH asked Israel to eat their roasted lamb with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Though traditions added other symbolic foods over generations, the basic menu never changed. In this blog, I will look at these three ingredients and their meaning.
Menu: lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread (Exo. 12:8, Num. 9:11)…

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Blog 28: Passover’s Four Cups

By the time of Yeshua’s arrival on the scene of human history, the Passover supper had gained in traditional customs. There appears to have been an order to the meal, the remnants of which still survive today. How and why these developed is uncertain. What Scriptural evidence do we have that there was an order to the Passover meal anciently and at Yeshua’s time?…

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Blog 29: The Passover Servant

John 13:2 “And when the supper had come into being (was laid), Jesus with the thought in mind of His very purpose of being sent by the Father (v. 3), rose from the set table and meal, laid aside His outer garments, took, and girded Himself with a linen. He poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and wipe them with the towel that He had…

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