Blog: These Are My Feasts

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Blog 96: Ten Days from Trumpets to Atonements

Teruwah occurs first in Leviticus 23:24’s command to blow trumpets in remembrance on the new moon of the seventh month. Ten days later, in the fiftieth year, teruwah sounds on Atonements to announce the Jubilee. The phrase “a memorial of blowing of trumpets” is “a remembering of shouting” (Strong’s H2143, H2146) and looks…

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Blog 95: The Door to the Seventh Month

Day four’s lights in the heavenly dome order by dividing day from night, moving in a yearly circular orbit, yet signaling a linear movement toward a mark (an eternal Sabbath) via His people seeing the door of the tabernacle at set repeated times of YHWH’s sacred feasts (Blog 2). The heavens declare the glory of God; the dome (raqia) shows His…

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Blog 94: The Fire of YHWH-shalom

23 Then YHWH said to him, “Peace be with you; do not fear, you shall not die.” 24 So Gideon built an altar there to YHWH and called it YHWH-Is-Peace [YHWH-shalom] (Jdg. 6:23–24, NKJV).
YHWH’s fifth name, YHWH-shalom, means “God is our peace” from Gideon’s story in Judges 6–7. Because of Israel’s apostasy, YHWH had given Israel into Midianite hands for…

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Blog 93: The Dual Center Fulcrum

In Blog 79, I showed how the dual center of John’s signs is the axis of the YHWH’s feast timeline; the events of Shavuot and Yom Teruah merged yet distinct. The marriage of the Feast of Pentecost to the Feast of Trumpets means that the resurrection of the firstfruits and the coming of the King of kings is the turning point in human history. The King’s arrival and judgment of…

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Blog 92: Justice and Judgment

Just as holiness is His core attribute, YHWH’s justice shows who He is. Everything God does is just and upright, and His judgments come from His righteousness. The way of YHWH is to do righteousness and justice, and these are the foundation of His throne (Gen. 18:19; Psa. 97:2). He will redeem Zion by His justice and those of her who repent, by His righteousness…

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Blog 91: But Yeshua Went to the Mount of Olives

The fifth sign’s discourse1 begins, “But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives” (Jhn. 8:1), establishing the tenor for the entire address: YHWH is our Judge and His justice. It stands distinct from “every man went to his own house” (Jhn. 7:53) in confusion over Yeshua’s identity. The latter hints at putting aside the matters of God in favor of…

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Blog 90: The Fifth Sign of John

John’s fifth sign (Jhn. 6:15-25) follows directly from and concludes the fourth sign’s feeding of the five thousand (Jhn. 6:1-14). The crowd perceived Yeshua as like Moses, who freed them from oppression, fed them in the wilderness, and taught them YHWH statutes and judgments at Mount Sinai. Yearning to be free from Roman domination, the people began putting hope in…

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Blog 89: Then You Will Know That I Am YHWH

When God called Abram out of Ur of the Chaldees to the Land of Canaan, He promised that his descendants would inherit the land He would give them after four hundred years of affliction by foreign people. His identity as the creating deity lay in bringing Israel out from foreign oppression at a precise moment (see Blog 36’s Appendix 44 attachment). That YHWH…

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Blog 88: Hezekiah’s Prophecy

Surrounded by King Sennacherib’s Assyrian armies, Jerusalem groaned under “the King of Terror’s” death sentence (2Ki 20:8–11, Isa. 36–39). Judah’s King Hezekiah fell sick and neared death. In answer to his prayer, God moved his father Ahaz’s sundial back ten degrees as a sign that He would do as He had said. On the third day…

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