Blog 96: Ten Days from Trumpets to Atonements

Teruwah occurs first in Leviticus 23:24’s command to blow trumpets in remembrance on the new moon of the seventh month. Ten days later, in the fiftieth year, teruwah sounds on Atonements to announce the Jubilee. The phrase “a memorial of blowing of trumpets” is “a remembering of shouting” (Strong’s H2143, H2146) and looks both backward and forward in time (Exo. 3:15). Since the Mount Sinai trumpet blasts are the first and only recorded trumpeting event before Leviticus 23, it alone can be considered in memorial. Teruwah refers to YHWH’s victory shout, bringing Israel out of Egypt, a new nation ready to enter the Promised Land. “He has not observed iniquity in Jacob, nor hath He seen wickedness in Israel. YHWH his God is with him, and the shout (teruwah) of a King is among them” (Num. 23:21). All those of carnal persuasion had died in the wilderness. Celebrating YHWH’s seven Sabbath journey with Israel to His holy mountain, teruwah announced the covenant consummation between YHWH and His firstborn holy nation at Mount Sinai. Like YHWH’s seventh Sabbath Sinai Presence, the Feast of Trumpets memorializes His descent from heaven with a great shout to a people He has known.


In a vision, John heard “a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven,” praising with “Alleluia!” He heard the voice of a great multitude, the sound of mighty waters thundering, “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!” (Rev. 19:1–6). Then heaven opened, and a white horse bearing Him who is called “Faithful and True,” “The Word of God,” came forth, and with Him the armies of heaven clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Rev. 19:7–8, 11–16). In righteousness, the King judges and makes war, striking the nations with the two-edged sword out of His mouth, treading Himself Almighty God’s winepress of His fierceness and wrath. YHWH’s trumpeted return sets the stage for the ten days to the Day of Atonements.


In Nehemiah’s time, on the first day of the seventh month, Israel’s returned exiles gathered to hear the law explained and wept in repentance but rejoiced, for the “joy of YHWH was their strength” (Neh. 8:1–12). In this manner, the blowing of trumpets prepared the people for the Day of Atonements (and blowing the Trumpet of Jubilee). What begins on the seventh month’s first day comes to fruition at the trumpeted Jubilee on the Day of Atonements. Under the King’s headship, a repentant Israel remnant is restored and cleansed, a new nation in whom God dwells, a holy nation before Him born in a day (Isa. 66:8).


What happens in the ten days between Trumpets and Atonements? Ten as a number represents perfection in divine order, completeness of order leaving nothing wanting, a whole cycle (Number in Scripture, p. 243). What began on Yom Teruah is complete on Yom Kippur; the King and Commander of the Armies of Heaven returns to earth, making war against the beast, the false prophet, and the kings of the earth. Yeshua comes back as a “Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6). In Hebrew thought, peace comes by destroying the authority that causes chaos. Yeshua overthrew the author of chaos, Satan, by His atoning sacrifice. Reconciliation and the progression of peace between Israel and God awaken first from God’s ruah, stirring repentance, redeeming His firstborn nation under the Lamb’s blood, so the fruit of Atonements fills the whole earth.


Zephaniah best describes the liminal space between Trumpets and Atonements as a self-searching for sins and repenting before judgment falls.

2:1 COLLECT YOUR thoughts, yes, unbend yourselves [in submission and see if there is no sense of shame and no consciousness of sin left in you], O shameless nation [not desired]!

2[The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind!] Therefore consider, before God’s decree brings forth [the curse upon you] before the time [to repent] is gone like the drifting chaff, before the fierce anger of YHWH comes upon you–yes, before the day of the wrath of YHWH comes upon you!

3 Seek YHWH [inquire for Him, inquire of Him, and require Him as the foremost necessity of your life], all you humble of the land who have acted in compliance with His revealed will and have kept His commandments; seek righteousness, seek humility [inquire for them, require them as vital]. It may be you will be hidden in the day of YHWH’s anger. (Zep. 2:1-3, AMP)

Barnes Notes Commentary captured the thrust of these verses.

In order to repent, a man must know himself thoroughly; and this can only be done by taking act by act, word by word, thought by thought, as far as he can, not in a confused heap or mass, as they lie in any man’s conscience, but one by one, each picked up apart, and examined, and added to the sear unfruitful heap, plucking them as it were, and gathering them out of himself, that so they may, by the Spirit of burning, the fire of God’s Spirit kindling repentance, be burned up, and not the sinner himself be fuel for fire with them. Glean again and again to see if by any means anything has escaped: continuing on the search and ceasing not.

For forty days after His resurrection and wavesheaf offering, Yeshua walked with His disciples, appearing at various times, explaining the Scriptures about His sacrifice and things pertaining to God’s kingdom. He prepared them to take all He had commanded to all nations, making disciples. The last thing the disciples asked Yeshua was, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” At Jesus’ ascension into the heavens, ten days remained before Pentecost and the waving of the two-tenths firstfruit loaves. Peter understood when Yeshua returned that “the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began,” initiated a “turning away every one of you from your iniquities” (Act. 3:19–26). The Jews traditionally call the time between Trumpets and Atonements “Days of Awe” or “Days of Repentance.” Could Yeshua’s remaining ten days of the seven Sabbaths count match the ten days from Trumpets to Atonements at His return? (see Blog 88’s Chronographic Time Waves, center B).

The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah (the day of sounding the remembrance blast), also prepared Israel for judgment. Yom Teruah called for repentance, seeking forgiveness to stand accountable before the Judge on the Day of Atonements. The three silver trumpet notes sounded three instructions: 1. “Pay attention!” 2. “Seek God and walk with Him while there is time!” and 3. “Behold, He comes quickly!” The King and Judge of all the earth will return with a victory shout to bring all humanity out of exile into His Kingdom. 

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