Blog 34: Passover's Link to the Eighth Day

Elohim set Israel’s unique calendar in motion on creation day four, for it truly belongs to all humans to remember and celebrate God’s Spirit ordering life over tohu and bohu. Our salvation from decay to life solemnized in the calendar belongs to every believer, commemorating with rejoicing all that Yeshua has done and will do when He returns. By the blood of the Lamb, the Passover sacrifice memorializes YHWH’s protection of His people from judgment, freeing us to walk with Him, receiving His voice. And it has its correlative return in the last holyday of the seventh month, the Eighth Day.

The holyday timeline shows spring’s Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread (1 + 7) mirrored in autumn’s Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day (7 + 1). Israel experienced the Feast of Unleavened Bread when they left Egypt in flight to Yam Suph under the cloud and pillar of fire. Similarly, Sukkot (meaning tents) reminded Israel that, after Sinai, YHWH dwelt in a tent with them in the wilderness, guiding, protecting, and providing. Both these holyday periods of YHWH shaping Israel are marked by the number seven. But what is shared between Passover and the Eighth Day?

When the configuration of the holydays is viewed chiastically, that which Passover begins is wholly fulfilled on the Eighth Day, making their product one. The chiasmus’ two outer frames also point to the center axial pair, Passover points to Pentecost, and the Eighth Day points to the Feast of Trumpets. John’s eight Gospel signs are arranged in this symmetrical literary pattern. Additionally, in the sequenced revelation of YHWH’s names, YHWH-jireh is the first and has its fullness in the eighth, YHWH-shammah. The covenant God who sees and provides, associated with Passover, unveils the fruit of His work in YHWH-shammah, the Eighth Day’s covenant God dwelling on earth with us. Likewise, Zechariah’s eight-night visions show in the first vision the world at ease and Israel oppressed by foreign domination, arousing YHWH’s jealous love, and in his eighth vision, Babel’s system is destroyed, leaving restored Israel to carry God’s atoning forgiveness to all people and God’s spirit is at rest.

The number eight signifies a new beginning, coming after a completed seven. This is why circumcision was on the eighth day, a human’s new beginning into the covenant blessings, symbolizing the putting off of the flesh, becoming circumcised in heart to do the will of God. The ultimate restoration of new humans living in fellowship with their Creator, all resurrections appear as eighth days. Remembering that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, an eighth-day resurrection depicts our change from mortal to immortality, from corruption to incorruption, fully returned to God and living by and through the power of His Holy Spirit. It reverses our exile from the Garden. What the blood of the Lamb provided, the freedom to walk with YHWH to His holy mountain, receive His instructions, and journey in His presence to the land, results in His people embodying His laws, His will, before the nations.

In John’s Gospel of signs, the first and eighth sign’s introductions (chapters 1 and 20) show the Holy Spirit moving and an invitation to “Come and see” and “Follow Me.” At the end of John’s Book, Yeshua commanded, “You follow Me.” The disordered chaos of human lives separated from God and His divine instruction is put in order by the power of Yeshua’s outstretched arm (Gen. 1:2). The Lamb’s blood washes those who hear His voice. The first sign’s wedding motif is carried to the eighth sign’s marriage of the Lamb to His perfected wife, the new Jerusalem where God dwells. From the city built by God, life

flows to the ends of the earth. Because of the marriage union of the Lamb and the bride, who say, “Come,” there is a new birth to a new humanity. Then “And let him who hears say, ‘Come'” (Rev. 22:17).

Passover’s interchange with the Eighth Day shows the antecedent and consequence. The Passover sacrifice at the door to Eden allows us to enter the Garden of God’s presence, hear His voice, and walk with Him. In the Garden, the new covenant priests and holy nation embody God’s will, the ethics of His law, and serve the Lamb’s invitation to all nations to hear His voice and come into the new Jerusalem. Passover reverses our deafness to God’s voice and our exile.


Fun Factors:
The beginning (1) and end (8) of the signs reveal that growth actuates Light’s power to transform material to spirit with an exponential 360° return times ten.
John 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.
John 2:11bmanifested His glory” = 3430 or 10 × 73
3430’s 16 divisors can be divided into two sets of 3600. 3600 = 360 × 10 or 122 × 52
3430 added to its reverse, 343, is 3773; 37 × 73 = 2701, letter sum of Genesis 1:1
John 2:11cHis disciples believed in Him” = 3907, the 540th prime, 3907 added to its reverse, 7093 is 11,000, the product of the calendar’s midpoint sacrifice (11) times 1,000.
John 2:11 b + c: “manifested His glory” (3430) + “His disciples believed in Him” (3907) = 7337. 73 × 37 = 2701, letter sum of Genesis 1:1

John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name = 14642 = 2 × 7321.
7321 is the 933rd prime, the 458th Pythagorean prime; 7321 = 3721 + 3600, or 612 + 602.
7321 is the 61st centered square number; 61 is the center of a triangle of 153; 6 + 1 = Shabbat.
7321 added to its reverse 1237 is 8558, 22 × 389 or 22(172 + 102), indicating the Word of God’s victory in the generations of humanity.
7321 minus 1237 is 6084 = 782; 78 = 3 × 26, the surety of YHWH. (Leviticus 23:39’s “and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest” equals 1237.)

John 21:22‘s “You follow Me” = 1335, or 15(82 + 52), the restoration mark (15) distributed in His mercy (5) of the 8 Holydays, is the harvests of humanity. We can walk with Him out of exile, hearing the divine voice. Yeshua commanded a reversal of our plight, “Fill the jars with water,” sum of 2755, and “Draw out now and carry to the master of the feast,” sum of 5572, yielding Passover’s good wine (see Blog 26). John 2:10’s “good wine” = 421, the 82nd prime and 40th Pythagorean prime; 421 = 142 + 152. 421 is the 15th-centered square number; the 1st and 8th step from seven to eight; 4 + 2 + 1= 7; 4 × 2 × 1 = 8; 7 + 8 = 15.

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