Blog 18: Kingdom of Light

In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light, and there was light,” and when He saw that the light was good, He separated the light from the darkness. Since nothing on the earth can live without light’s life-giving energy, we find that light is also the prime mover of God’s new creation. “For it is God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2Co. 4:6).

The Apostles saw with their own eyes, heard with their own ears, and handled with their own hands the Creator who was from the beginning. The Word of Life, Yeshua Mashiach, had the unquenchable life of God in Him and came to us with a message from the Father, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1Jo. 1:5). Filled with the glory of God, He showed us how to live life without destruction. His example is our light, in which He asks us to walk with Him (Jhn. 1:4, 1Jo. 1:7). Seeing in light imprints God’s characteristics and mannerisms in us, so we, like little children, mimic our Father. Walking in the light by His glorious power conveys us into His beloved Son’s kingdom of light, sharing in the inheritance that belongs to His holy people (Col. 1:12).

When we live in the light of God’s presence in His new Tabernacle, we have fellowship with the Father, Yeshua, and each other (This is where our sins are forgiven by the blood of His sacrifice). The truth of our knowing and living with God is our love for one another, loving as He loved us. And to walk in the will of God, in the knowledge of His glory, is to live forever, eating of the Menorah Tree of Life. God dwells in “unapproachable light,” describing the Living God’s depth, width, and height of holiness, purity, and love. God’s light contrasts with spiritual darkness.

Just as light and knowing God are equated, so are their opposites, darkness and ignorance. Life without fellowship with the Father and Son is humanity’s demise, an impenetrable blindness of deception where good is evil and evil is good. Evidence of being blinded by the darkness is hatred, driven by a lust for physical pleasures, craving whatever the eye sees, and pride in possessions and falsehood. Whether we grope about blindly or walk sighted gives proof of our existence in darkness or being children of light, embracing false doctrine or believing the truth.

Light describes God’s way of living without destruction, and darkness represents a way of living that leads to decay and death. At the appointed time, God rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, purchasing our freedom with His blood, and brought us into His kingdom of light.

Fun Factors:
“Let there be light, and there was light” equals 470, as does time, `eyth, עֵת, letter sum 470. Light is the first time-marker in the first, fourth, and seventh-day sequence of Genesis’s creation account. The 1-4-7 is also stamped into the seven months of light in a unique way. The second month, Iyar, and the seventh month, Tishri, each year are identical. Both Iyar and Tishri begin on weekdays 2, 3, 5, or 7 solely. If Iyar begins on Thursday, day 5, so will Tishri. The only difference between the two months is that Iyar always has 29 days, and Tishri always has 30 days. YHWH’s Festivals of Light occur within 30-day months. The days from Iyar 1 to Tishri 1 are always 147 (29 + 30 + 29 + 30 + 29 = 147). YHWH’s fifth Festival begins the seventh month, Tishri 1. The Feast of Trumpet’s color is blue, the rainbow’s fifth color, with a wavelength of 470 nm corresponding to the Sabbath note G (fifth note) of the Major C scale, 396 hertz. Genesis 2:2a, “And God finished on the seventh day His work which He made” = 5 × 396. Interestingly, Jacob, renamed Israel, lived for 147 years. Given the Torah, Israel was called the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of the Sabbath.

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