Blog 14: A Name of Light

In Blog 12, we saw that Jesus said to “believe in the light, that you may become children of light” (Jhn. 12:36). And John wrote that those who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (Jhn. 1:12-13), making the Savior’s name synonymous with the light. Jesus declared, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark but will have the Light which is Life” (Jhn. 8:12, AMP).

What does it mean to believe in “a name” or “the light” “The Name,” Ha Shem, הַשֵּׁם, is a designation of YHWH, שֵׁם יְהֹוָה. After Psalm 111 extols YHWH’s great works of truth and justice in commanding His covenant forever, it declares His name is holy and awesome. Peter exclaimed to Jerusalem’s rulers, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Act. 4:12, NKJV).

The Name YHWH Elohim, אֱלֹהִים֙ יְהֹוָה (letter sum 26 + 86 = 112), first appears in Genesis 2:5. The earliest proto-alphabetic Hebrew name of God, El Yahu, יְהוּ אֶל (letter sum 31 + 21 = 52), was recently found on a folded lead tablet on Mount Ebal1 (see picture above). From the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Definitions, shem means “the wind, or breath, of someone.”2 Hebrew names are words given to describe character. A man’s breath is character, what makes one what he is and does. A good example comes from Daniel calling God “‘Elaha,” אֱלָהָא (letter sum 37), meaning yoked together with a strong leader.3

In the Tanakh, a sequence of YHWH’s name is attached to a second word. YHWH revealed His composite names at certain critical events in Israel’s history that displayed a particular aspect of His character. These eight names match and describe His actions in His eight Festivals of Light, listed in Leviticus 23’s appointed times.

Passover: YHWH-jireh (YHWH sees/provides), Gen. 22:14
First Unleavened Bread: YHWH-ropheka (YHWH heals you), Exo. 15:26
Seventh Unleavened Bread: YHWH-nissi (YHWH is my banner, victory), Exo. 17:15
Pentecost, seven Sabbaths: YHWH-m’kaddishkem (YHWH sanctifies you), Exo. 31:13
Feast of Trumpets: YHWH-shalom (YHWH is peace), Jdg. 6:24
Atonements: YHWH-rohi (YHWH is my Shepherd), Psa. 23:1
Feast of Tabernacles: YHWH-tsidkenu (YHWH our righteousness), Jer. 23:6
Eighth Day: YHWH-shammah (YHWH dwells there), Eze. 48:35

Believing in the Name and the Light is walking with El Yahu in covenant, yoked together, absorbing the light of His wisdom, experiencing His Names through His Festivals of Light.


Fun Factors:
YHWH (Yahweh) = 26; YHW (Yahu) = 21
I AM = 21; I AM Who I AM = 543, 3 × 181, or 3(102 + 92 ), (181 = 42nd prime)
El = 31; Elohim = 86
‘Elaha = 37, the common factor of 185, (5 × 37), of God’s names, titles, or descriptions.4

YHWH-jireh, sum 242, 2 × 112 , (112 + 112 )
YHWH-ropheka, sum 327, 3 × 109, 3 (102 + 32 )
YHWH-nissi, sum 146, 2 × 73, (112 + 52 )
YHWH-m’kaddishkem, sum 530, 10 × 53, (232 + 12 )
YHWH-shalom, sum 402, 6 × 67 (67 = 19th prime), 67 = 402/(4 + 0 + 2)
YHWH-rohi, sum 306, 2 × 153, (152 + 92 )
YHWH-tsidkenu, sum 276, 12 × 23, (15 + 25 + 34 )
YHWH-shammah, sum 371, 7 × 53, (33 + 73 + 13 )

The sum of YHWH’s names of light is 2600, numerically saying YHWH (26) is equal to YHWH’s words gone forth in creation works (2600) in His Festivals of Light. The sum of numeric powers dominates His Name’s factors.

When 2600 is entered as the long side of the Golden Rectangle’s formula, in 17 descending calculations, the sequence 19, 12, and 7 appears. These numbers are specific to the 19-year lunar time cycle with 12 common and 7 leap years.

More amazing is that the area of the 2600-inch-long side Golden Rectangle is stamped with the time signature 147 and 8 appointed times of YHWH (0.001040708 mi2).5

1The Name of God from Mount Ebal, Ep. 3, Patterns of Evidence, Dr. Scott Stripling,


The pictograph for a is a picture of an ox head and also represents its strength, and the l is a picture of a shepherd’s staff and authority. Combined, these two pictographs mean “the strong authority” and can be anyone or thing of strong authority. The yoke is understood as “a staff on the shoulders” (see Isa. 9:4) in order to harness their power for pulling loads such as a wagon or plow. Hence, the two pictographs can also represent “the ox in the yoke.” Often two oxen were yoked together. An older, more experienced ox would be teamed up (yoked) with a younger, less experienced ox. The older ox in the yoke is the “strong authority" who, through the yoke, teaches the younger ox. 

4Guant, B., Beginnings: The Sacred Design, p. 188-200

5Mucha, M. and Małek, P. “Golden Rectangle Calculator.” Accessed: 22 April 2023.

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