Blog 12: Children of Light

So far, we have seen that YHWH’s generations (toledot) are called “children of Light” and are a creation of His mighty hand (yod). In Genesis 1, a human Seed was promised to Eve who would turn the key to Eden’s door, allowing her seed to live in God’s presence and blessings once again (Gen. 3:15). “Seed” occurs six times in Genesis 1. How do the Feasts of YHWH generate seed, children of Light? In this blog, we will discover how the term “children of Light” connects to YHWH’s festivals of light in the harvest pattern of the ten generations of Adam (Blog 10).

The way God lives His life is called light, and His menorah light shining upon His people is how He puts His name upon us. The tree of life’s wisdom is represented by the menorah’s light and His name.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name [29(82 + 82)]: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (Jhn. 1:12-13, vv. sum 15581, 1817th P and 900th PP).

Jesus said to them, “While you have the light, believe in the light [30(72 + 82)], that you may become children of light” (Jhn. 12:36).

God’s name is paralleled with the light, the glory of who He is. Children of light, children of His Name behave like Him. The Father of lights, living in unapproachable light, engenders children of the day.

For you were once darkness, but now light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord (for the fruit of light is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), (Eph. 5:8-10).

You are all sons of light and sons of the day (sum 5140, 55th P and 25th PP). We are not of the night nor of darkness (1Th. 5:5).

Children of God” has a numeric sum of 860, factored 86 (Elohim) × 10 (ref. 10 generations, toledot)
“These are My feasts” (Lev. 23:2) equals 211, (47th prime)
“By the hand of El” = 47 (Job 27:11)
“Let there be light, and there was light” Genesis 1:3 = 470, 47 × 10
Time, `eyth, 470, 47 × 10, עֵת marks YHWH’s festivals in the generations
Toledot equals 846, 18 × 47 (life is YHWH’s generations bearing the stamp of His feasts)
Sons of the day” sums to 844, 22 × 211, (the 1st and 47th primes)

Adam’s ten generations had two group/harvest sums: a firstborn (8 × 207, marking the Festivals of light)
and a latter (11 × 17 × 37, marking the sacrificial (11) victory (17) of God’s name, 37)
Jhn. 1:12-13’s sum of 15581 is both a prime and Pythagorean prime, 15581 is (1102 + 592 ), 59 = 17th P

Jesus’s “so that you may become children of light” (Jhn. 1:12) equals 2701 or 37 × 73, the same numeric sum of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” 37 × 73.
Genesis 1:27’s God created humans “in His own image,” besalmow, sums to 168, or 8 × 3 × 7
Shalom (376, 8·47) means completeness, peace, rest, fullness, and health
John 1:12’s “children” of God, letter sum = 376, (8·47), or 33 + 73 + 6, six marks the seed count of Genesis 1
Ephesians 5:8’s “children of light,” letter sum = 2246, or 27 + 211 + 43 + 6, six marks the seed count of Genesis 1
Genesis 1:16, “light,” me oraw, adds to 246 (6 × 41), the same as Genesis 1:27’s “image of God” (246)

“You are all sons of light and sons of the day” (1Th. 5:5) equals 5140, whose digit sum is 10. 5140 = 514 × 10
toledot is a number play on 541, the letter sum of Israel.
Adding 514 to Hebrew’s ohr quality (light, sum 207) expressed as 27, equals 541, (514 + 33 = 541).
Israel, 541, the 102 P and 47th PP, bears the mark “children of the Name,” “children of the Light.”
An Israelite is anyone who prevails with God, receiving the blessing.

Why did Elohim create the heavens and the earth? To “believe in His name,” 29(82 + 82), is marked with Genesis’s “And behold, it was very good,” letter sum 128, 22, or 82 + 82 and parallel to “believe in the light,” 30(72 + 82), associated with God’s creation of His children. The heavens and earth creation’s golden numeric thread is YHWH’s Presence, the Covenant God, bringing Elohim’s toledot, 18 × 47, sons of the day, 22 × 211, the 1st and 47th primes, to glory by means of His appointed times, “These are My feasts,” 211, (47th prime).

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