Blog 10: Ten Generations

After the serpent deceived Eve, YHWH Elohim announced a hostility between the snake’s seed and the woman’s seed (Gen. 3:15). Jesus spoke of “the sons of this world as more shrewd in their generations than the sons of light” (Luk. 16:8). Genesis 4 lists the descendants of Cain, followed by Genesis 5’s genealogy of Adam through Seth’s line. Noah, a righteous man who walked with God, completed the ten generations. Ten, the letter yod in ancient Hebrew signifying hand/arm, marks the hand of God in Adam’s descent registry, just as He spoke ten times in the creation account. How does this list of descendants (toledot) declare the Creator’s deliverance, like in Genesis 1 when He created the generations (toledot) of the heavens and earth, releasing it from lifeless chaos? What does the list tell us about the sons of light?

Ten generations of Adam end with Noah. This distinctive list calculates three values of each man’s life: age at his firstborn’s birth, years lived afterward, and total years lived. The exception is Noah. In Noah’s 500th year, he birthed Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And as exclusively as Enoch did not die, the years Noah lived after his firstborn are not calculated from his 500th year but from his 600th year, the year of the flood. At the end of Genesis 9, the author gives Noah’s years lived after his sons’ rebirth through the flood and his total years, making the flood narrative part of Noah’s genealogy data. Enoch, the seventh, interrupted death’s pattern, “…and he died,” by walking with God. Noah, the tenth, the one to comfort God from His grief, also disturbed the pattern in the ten patriarch’s ages at their firstborn’s birth, 1,656, stressing rebirth and its agent. The 1,656 years equal 8 × 207, a red flag to the seven months of light (207 days), Abib to Tishri, in which God set the eight Feasts of YHWH. Within the spectrum of eight Holydays, children of light are born to walk with God (Hebrew “light” אוֹר = 207, “love,” behold the Father’s heart, אָהב = 8) and not die (∞, ain sof, there is not destruction, אינ-סוֹף = 207). Highlighting Enoch’s 365 days of walking with YHWH and not dying, the word count of Genesis 5 is 365, making eternity with God the object of the entire ten generations. The second and third columns’ sums (6,919 and 8,575) numerically show fruitfulness in the victory of YHWH’s sacrifice and the perfection of “and God said” (7 × 7 × 7) by beholding His grace upon grace (5 × 5). The 8575 total years point to Abraham’s walking through the land in faith with YHWH (Abraham’s age, 175 x 72 =  8575), stamping as his seed his progeny and the nations walking by faith (see Fun Factors below). Adam’s ten generations are a prophecy of “and God finished” (letter sum 152, 8 × 19, 8 × 8th prime) His new creation, a work done through His festivals, and rested in the Sabbath without end (Gen. 2:1-3, letter sum 10502).

The generations of YHWH are complete (tamim, 10 × 72 or 490) in a first harvest (spring) of seven Sabbaths (72) plus a second (fall) harvest of humans who have passed through the waters, been born again, and inherit the Kingdom of God. Like the table of ten generations, the work of God’s hand, yod, our new creation is marked by the feasts of YHWH, 8 × 207, in which we learn to walk with God and be perfect (tamim, Strong’s 8549).


Fun Factors:
To Abraham were the promises to be the father of many nations (Gen. 18:18, 22:18). Abraham’s 175 years times 72 (seven Sabbaths) equals 8575, the sum years of the ten generations (175 × 72 = 8575). The author alludes to all nations eventually becoming the tamim children of Abraham, who walked with God, obeyed His voice, and kept His charge, His commandments, statutes, and laws (Gen. 26:4-5).

Like the spring and fall harvests, there is a firstfruit year total (1656) and, after the firstborn, a total of years producing sons and daughters (6919). The product or sum of each total’s digits is 18 or 18’s multiple, and 18 in Hebrew equals chi, meaning life, a word that in ancient Hebrew meant to have a full stomach, eating from the tree of life.

1656: 23 × 32 × 23; 1 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 18; 1 × 6 × 5 × 6 =180, 18 × 10.

6919: 11 × 17 × 37; 6 + 9 + 1 + 9 = 25; 6 × 9 × 1 × 9 = 486, 18 × 27.

The ten names from Adam to Noah add to 2678, the sum of consecutive numbers 26 + … + 77.  Adding the digits of 2678, 2 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 23, chiah, living. When the sum of these ten names is added to the sum of its digits, 2678 + 23 = 2701, the sum of Genesis 1:1, 2701, 37 x 73; 2701 is the 73rd triangular number, T73; 73 is the value for wisdom, khokmaw, which was present with God at creation (Pro. 3:19).  So Adam to Noah represents God’s creation of humanity in wisdom.

If we add the verses which give the ages of the ten generations, Genesis 5, 7:11, and 9:28-29, there are 1550 letters (31 x 50, El x Jubilee) in 406 words (2 x 203; the 28th triangular number), totaling 122,581, 37 x 3313, YHWH name contant (37) as surety (3) of His creation (3-1-3 is the menorah pattern of Genesis 1:1’s seven words) and is the sum of two squares, 3342 + 1052; 334 is the sum of 33 + 35 + 43;  105 is the 14th triangular number and 15 without the zero, saying God’s (31, El) full restoration (50) of Israel and humanity (15, 105) to life (23, 203) is based on the Lamb’s sacrifice (14). 

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