About Joyce Wulf

The Author

Joyce Lynn Wulf currently resides in North Carolina with her family. Joyce has enjoyed a varied career, including twenty-six years in the dental field, in which she was also a senior clinical instructor and consultant to private practices. Some of her later endeavors entailed clinical research for rare diseases, special needs parent advocacy, deaf-blind intervention, and direct support professional. Two of her five children live with a rare disorder, sparking her passion for children and families dealing with unique challenges and needs. Joyce’s constant enjoyment of detailed biblical research became one of her life’s works. After twenty-two years, Behold, I AM is the product of her life-long dedication and love of studying the Word of God. In addition to research, writing, and time with her family, Joyce enjoys gardening and outdoor life with an energetic affection for the creation.

The Beginning

After God had answered prayer, Joyce Lynn, at the tender age of sixteen, dedicated herself to walking with God on the paths He would lead her. She did what she understood from Him without question, choosing to know her Savior. As a nineteen-year-old woman, Joyce began observing the weekly Sabbaths and the Bible’s annual Holyday Festivals. At times in her life journey, persecutions, switchbacks, and formidable cliffs challenged her belief and trust in the Creator. Still, she clung to God with tenacity, and He carried her.

In 2000 the Wulf family became residents of North Carolina, moving from their farm in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. Two years before, their fifth child was born, a fourth son, and their second son with Zellweger’s Spectrum Disorder. The Wulfs moved from the West Coast to the East Coast to be closer to his doctor in Barcelona, Spain.

Frequent fights above the clouds gave Joyce the unique perspective of watching the light dance off rain vapors, often displaying brilliant bows. She questioned, “If God is light, what do the rainbow colors mean?” Constantly probing why, Joyce asked, “What is the meaning of ‘God is light?’ (1 John 1:5), and ‘How was light life?’”  From these queries, she launched a study of John’s Gospel.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.  John 1:1-5, NKJV

The first sentence of John 1:1 took her to Genesis 1-11, where she found the seeds, themes, and literary patterns that opened new dimensions to humanity’s story. Working through thousands of “why’s,” her questions never ceased before God. Like the intense care and teaching of her deaf-blind sons, her studies and prayers yielded answers. Hearing, seeing, and touching the ancient culture of the Bible reshaped Joyce’s understanding. Dauntingly, she studied Hebrew, the calculated Hebrew calendar, and Biblical chronology. Her developing knowledge of the Holy One grew, forming recognizable patterns and interlocking shapes, one thing after another. Letting the Word of God mold her thoughts, Joyce took notes. And not wanting to forget nuances, she kept track of the particulars of discovering the Bible’s Elohim. She became the secretary scribe, day by day, of His unsearchable mind, intending to bequeath her most precious gift to her children and grandchildren.

At first, Joyce saw the pattern of Leviticus 23’s Feasts in the mysterious signs of John’s Gospel and diligently explored each sign as a Festival. Then she recognized that the Tanakh’s sequence of YHWH’s revealed names followed the same themes. In mediation and prayer, her eyes opened to see that Zechariah’s eight-night visions of Israel’s restoration reflected the Feasts, John’s signs, and YHWH’s names. In the last few years of research, Joyce became aware of the numerical significance of the Scriptures and their connection to the cosmos. Fascinated by Word’s mathematic melodies, she realized this was just the beginning of understanding Who was walking, yoked with her through life.

Behold, I AM is not a quick read but a journey of discovery. The reader may stop after a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or an equation as realization settles into the mind. Captivating, overwhelming, and profoundly life-altering described Joyce’s experience. She invites those who read Behold, I AM to feel the magnificence of the Being who created us. Though her book has an end, seeking God and His knowledge and wisdom has no end.